Restore failed for server ‘SEEKEY – NOTESQLEXPRESS’

Hi everyone,
After problems with electricity my server went down. I have done back up of all files on other server. When I wanted to restore backup files .bak with SQL express I got error message. Now I don’t know what to do. How can I fix this? OS Windows 7
Thank you.
Microsoft.SQL Server Management Studio
Restore failed for server ‘SEEKEY – NOTESQLEXPRESS’. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)
Additional information:
System.Data.SqlClent.SqlError: The database was backed up on a server running version
10.50.1600. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 10.00.2531. Either
restore the database on a server that support s the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with
this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)