Retina Scans error when scanning
When using Retina Scans, I always get an error everytime I attempt to scan one of our Windows Xp computers! How can I fix this?
When using Retina Scans, I always get an error everytime I attempt to scan one of our Windows Xp computers! How can I fix this?
If using your retina scan on your Windows XP computer you receive an error, try restarting the computer then try again. If on the next attempt it still does not work, verify if the version of the retina scan’s application is really compatible with your operating system or not.
But, on the other hand, if you can use your retina scan even if it gives off an error, maybe it is not properly installed on your system.
Uninstall the application from your computer then check your machine for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. After that install the application again and then try it.
Try upgrading your device’s software by going to its official web site and search for a much newer version or the latest version that is compatible with your operating system.