Retrospect software “Assertion failure at “elem.cpp-1138” error

I am using the Retrospect software for past 6 years an now I am receiving the “Assertion failure at "elem.cpp-1138” error. The details are as follows:
OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 version 5.2 (build 3790), Service Pack 2, (64 bit)
Application: C:Program FilesRetrospectRetrospect 7.7Retrospect.exe, version 7.7.562
Exception occurred on 28/09/2011 at 18:28:24
Error info: Assertion failure at "elem.cpp-1138"
Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION
Fault address: 77D4DD50 0001:0000CD50 kernel32.dll
Thread ID: 00000910, Name: Execution thread
It also produces the error “There are no sufficient resources, empty stream packet, tid 71”. I have tried reinstalling Windows XP on the computer. But didn’t worked. Please help me get out of this.