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30 points
Posted on - 11/07/2011
Requesting for your help please! In my PC, the Windows XP taskbar was originally positioned vertical left while the start menu icon was at the bottom left. However, due to an unknown reason, the taskbar‘s position became horizontal in the bottom on the screen. On the other hand, the start menu icon shifted to be vertical at the right side on the screen. How will I put them back to their right position?
Returning Windows XP taskbar to its right position
You need to do just some simple drag and drop operation. This can be done by properly using your mouse. You need to drag your task bar where you want it to be. You can do this by dragging your task bar. Just drag the task bar through the mouse in such a way that by using you mouse button drag it to the bottom of your screen.
You don't need to left the mouse button at any time while dragging and you will be able to see it on the right way where you need to see it. Also you need click on properties and then check that your taskbar is not locked. Just check that lock the task bar is not active and you will be able to drag your taskbar. As i have shown here.
Here is how i drag my taskbar:
Returning Windows XP taskbar to its right position
Hi Ambrosio,
You can easily fix your problem with the taskbar in windows XP by simply dragging your taskbar.
Here is a step by step procedure in moving your taskbar.
1. Position your mouse pointer in an empty space in your taskbar.
2. Press and hold left mouse button.
3. While holding the left mouse button, drag it to which side you want your taskbar to be placed.
Just be sure that your taskbar is unlocked.
There are 2 ways to unlock your taskbar.
1. Click start button.
2. Go to control panel.
3. Open taskbar icon.
4. The Lock the taskbar box must be unchecked.
5. Click apply button then ok button.
Then there is a easier way:
1. Right click on an empty space in your taskbar.
2. The Lock the Taskbar option must be unchecked.
That's it now you can place your taskbar any side you want.
If you want your taskbar back in normal place, Just reboot your PC in safe mode.
How to get into safe mode?
Reboot your PC, after your PC is finished with the (POST), press and hold CTRL button and when you see the options available select safe mode.
Do not press the CTRL button before the POST message or you will get an error. If ever you get the error just ignore it.