Asked By
brian crow
0 points
Posted on - 05/23/2012
When I attempted to open Revit Architecture 2011 an error message showed up. Actually, it showed up before Revit even started.
Please suggest a fix for this error as soon as possible. The error message is given below.Â
Thank you in advance.
System.ArgumentExcepton: A standard item with the Id [Measure_Split_Button] already exists in the collection!
Autodesk.Windows.TooIBarsQuickAccessToolBarSource.OnCanInsertitem(Object sender ValidateltemEventArgs e)
in SystemEventHandler1 .invoke(Object sender TEventArgs e) in Autodesk.Wandows.ToolBatsval.datingRibbonltemCollection.InsettltemUnt32
index. Ribbonitem item)
in System.Colledions.ObjedModeLCollectio&1 .Add(T item) in
nItem item)
in UlFramework.RevitQueckAccessToolbar.AddStandardBunonsO in UlFramework.RevitRibbonControlioadRibbonCoritrol(RevitRibbonControl ribbonControl. String strXamlFile)
in ARibbonControlwrapperIoadStaticTabsForProduct(ARibbonControlWrapper
Revit Architecture 2011 Error Message
If this is the first time you encounter this problem, try restarting your computer then open it again. It might just be a fluke and nothing serious. If it’s still the same, try doing a clean installation of the program again. Uninstall Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 then check your computer for any possible errors.
Use a disk utility application to check the system. Then after this install Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 again. This should fix any corrupted files in the previous installation. Try it again after this.
If reinstalling it didn’t help, you should check the system requirements of your program. Your version of Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 should support your operating system otherwise it will really not work. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 supports these operating systems:
Windows XP Professional, Home Service Pack 2 and later.
Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium 32-bit and 64-bit.
For the complete information about its system specifications, visit this link.
If you verify that you have no system incompatibility issue, try downloading the Update 2 for 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Visit and read all the details at this site.