Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 12/16/2011
I have been using Rhapsody 4 for two years now and it’s been working perfectly fine. But recently, it crashes while downloading or just listening to a song. I get this error message, "Import Error. The file (file name) could not be imported into my library". I usually download files from Rhapsody and I don’t import those files into my external hard drive. My subscription to Rhapsody will soon end and I would love to use this program until my last cent. Please help. Thank you!
Rhapsody file cannot be imported into library
The Rhapsody application may be having problems. If it has been working fine all time long since now, then the problems could be a result of the changes that you made to the application itself or the computer in general. Some of the possible causes are:
You performed updates on the computer that did not favor the Rhapsody application, and caused issues like compatibility issues that are causing the application to malfunction.
You may have also updated the Rhapsody application itself, and then the updated version seems to have problems supporting the files that you used to download using the older version without a problem.
The remedy to all the above will be to restore the system to previous state before you started to experience the errors. And modifications that you might have made to the system will be removed and therefore fix the problem with the Rhapsody application.
Thompson Locker
Rhapsody file cannot be imported into library
HI, you have to verify that your subscription is still active and Rhapsody required connecting your device and signing in to your computer at least once within thirty days period of time. So if you unable to connect your device and sign before the end of the thirty days period of time then this type of messages appears and prevents you from playing subscription content.
All you need to do sign in to the rhapsody software and connect your device to your computer. If you disconnect your device and find that the tracks still will not play. Follow the below link and step.
Add Media to Rhapsody Library from Local Disk
Run dbclient
First You can manually resynchronize your library with the Rhapsody server by running the dbclient tool in the Rhapsody folder: Then Open My Computer. and In the C: drive, browse to Program Files, click Open the Rhapsody program file folder (usually named "Rhapsody") then click Double-click the dbclient program in this folder (Vista users: right-click dbclient and select Run As Administrator), When the "Success" dialog box appears, clickOK and Start Rhapsody and sign back in.
Rhapsody file cannot be imported into library
Thank you Thompson Locker and Pramod Steve. I updated my Rhapsody application but the tricks are still not working properly. So I resorted to the dbclient. I ran the dbclient tool and restarted Rhapsody and it's okay now. The songs are playing just the way they should be. Thank you again for helping me techyV!