RIM Losing Market Share on Blackberry

Is there any news as to what can possibly happen to Blackberry as RIM faces its challenge to gain strength in their niche, would Blackberry be reinvented in order to regain its share in the market?

Is there any news as to what can possibly happen to Blackberry as RIM faces its challenge to gain strength in their niche, would Blackberry be reinvented in order to regain its share in the market?
Research In Motion ( RIM ) continues to fall from other competitors like Apple, Nokia, Samsung, and Android OS. The first quarter of 2012 falls by more than half to 6.4% and was credited to the competitors. RIM’s CEO is developing new strategies to bring the favor back to them again. One of them is to cut the cost by $1 billion that will lead to layoffs of 3,000 employees. Another is the ongoing project which is BlackBerry 10 that will be released later this year. RIM hired a pair of investment banks that will help them financially.
RIM is struggling and doing its best to be back on the race again. One thing is for sure though, RIM has no plans in selling itself.
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