Ringer Issue Since The Android Oreo Update

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Not able to hear the ringtone even after keeping the volume on the loudest? Well, you are not alone. I have been facing the ringer issue since the Android Oreo update. The issue is persistent even in the Android Pie. Kindly help with how to resolve it in simple steps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #317810

Ringer Issue Since The Android Oreo Update


Ringer volume not being heard is again the software issue in most of the cases. However, if you have dropped your phone in water or have damaged the speaker, you need to get your device checked at an authorized service center. If not, we can resolve the software issue. First of all, you need to check if your phone is in sound mode or not.

Then, check for the Do Not Disturb priorities in the settings menu. After these have been checked, we can start with the troubleshooting. If you are using a custom ringtone, go back to using the phone ringtones for a few days. This solution has worked in most of the cases. If not, you need to wait for a stable update to be rolled out by the company.

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