Rizone Security Restore start up message

Hello everyone,
I am newbie in this. In one of PC magazines I have read about Rizone Security Restore program that can help you to restore your computer to the default security settings.
I got this program to fix problems after some virus problems. When I start application I got this one message.
Is this how it supposed to be or something is very wrong?
Any suggestion will be helpful.
Thank you
Rizone Security Restore
Use this for restoring your computer to the default security settings. Useful for when you get, ‘You don’t have permission to…blah, blah, blah’ type errors while installing programs or update stuff. Including 0x80070005 errors while registering components. Click the ‘Go!’ button to start.
This process can take up to 10 Minutes. Please don’t use your computer while it’s processing.
Go! About Close
Ready Waiting for you