Asked By
April Rosas
30 points
Posted on - 09/11/2013
Hello Techyv Guys,
Is there any router to router packet tracer Software that will help me to find the default gateway.
If there is any such software, please do help me by providing the details on that software.
Thank You,
April Rosas
Router to Router packet tracer Software
There are many software that will help you to share your data with the remote PC. A gateway should help you to share data between routing PCs. The types of software used for are more often Team Viewer, VPN or M hotspot,
Below the link should help you to get your needed software.
Router to Router packet tracer Software
Hey Mr.Rosas,
The default gateway is the path which your computer will use when it tries to connect you to different hosts on a remote network.
The best thing is that finding out your default gateway which is precisely your modem’s ip address is simple and does not require any foreign software.
Follow the following simple steps:
1.For windows 7, Vista OS just click on start button.
2.In the “search program and files” box at the bottom, type:”network and sharing centre ” and hit enter.
3.Open the “network and sharing centre ”. You can see different network your computer is connected to.
4.Click on any of the network that you want to view default gateway for. In the status window hat appears, click on the “details” button.
5.You can see the IPv4 / IPv6 default gateway depending on the type of network connectivity.