Rules for vba FTP special character.

Hi I am a newcomer about VBA. I am learning about it. I want to know about the rules for vba FTP special character in ASCII. Can anyone help me?

Hi I am a newcomer about VBA. I am learning about it. I want to know about the rules for vba FTP special character in ASCII. Can anyone help me?
Hello Ruiz
ASCII was first introduced in 1960. It was essential to control the characters to perform the works.
As a result many of the characters were published for the VBA FTP special character in ASCII.
I am giving you a link here, where you can find out the characters.
Hi Ruiz,
To be able to become familiar with the rules of using VBA, you should follow the link provided below. It is a very straightforward, informative and educational article where you can grasp more ideas.
Getting Started with VBA – This link will guide you through the overview of the VBA language, instructions on how to use and access VBA and tips and tricks on how to properly configure.
Visual Basic for Applications – This link will guide you through the detailed description and explanation about VBA.