Rundll Exe Application Error Fix

Whenever I start the computer, or while shutting it down, I get some weird rundll exe application error. I do not know what is causing this error and therefore cannot fix it. Can someone help me with this?

Whenever I start the computer, or while shutting it down, I get some weird rundll exe application error. I do not know what is causing this error and therefore cannot fix it. Can someone help me with this?
The rundll.exe is a very important executable that is essential for the correct functioning of your computer. Rundll.exe is responsible for running the dll files required by the programs as they are started.
You get rundll.exe errors due to some corrupt files in your registry or registry issues. I do not advise you to go on mongering with the registry as it can be fatal for your computer. What I suggest you do is restore your computer to a previous working state from the control panel.