I saved a project few days ago with this software. I wasn’t able to use my computer for at least 2 days. I did not check my projects since then. I tried to launch my saved project and it showed me message “'missing plugins.” Can you tell me why this happened to Cubase 5? What could be the possible cause of this problem? Can you provide me instructions on how to resolve it? Can you give me alternative ways on how to eliminate the problem?
Thank you!
Running Cubase 5 and difficulties on using it with computer
The two years back Cubase 4 release Steinberg released two very important updates:
4.1, bringing significantly better mixer routing parity Nuendo 4.1 and recently 4.5 introduced VST sound as a new way to integrate media bay.
In addition VST3 SDK finally made available third party developers.
Although the uptakes have been slow, First of all the third party VST 3 plug-ins have now started to appear, and you get the feeling that curbs was 4.
In retrospect, setting the scene for greater things have come that is curbs 5.