Running Lines Across My Computer Screen

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

We have this computer at home that has been with us for three years now. Last time I checked, the screen was still clear and does not have any problems at all. Now, when I used it the other day, there were lines that run along the screen.

Does anyone know how to fix this because it’s really annoying?

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #83971

Running Lines Across My Computer Screen


If you are using a regular monitor, check its cable if it is securely connected to the video card's port at the back of the CPU. This causes some color patching on the sides of the screen. If the plug is tightly connected, the next thing to check would be the video card.

If you have other monitor, connect it to the CPU and see if the lines are still present on the screen. If the lines are still present, then your video card needs to be replaced. But if the lines disappear after using the other monitor, your previous monitor is already faulty. You may ask a qualified technician to fix it.

Answered By 75 points N/A #83972

Running Lines Across My Computer Screen



Check the drive of your software, that is the source of the problem in receiving streak because the VGA method and your machine and then the video card aren’t interconnecting fine.

  • Boot into the safe mode;
  • Go to the start menu;
  • Right click, My Computer and go to the device manager;
  • Uninstall your video card and close and start activity normally;
  • Go to the desktop and  correct your resolve to  standard.
  • If the streak is disappeared then just copy the latest drive for your video card or maybe just simply update your drive or software.

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