Runtime Error installing Axure 6.5 – “Failed to set data for UninstallString”

I just installed version 6.5 alongside of 6.0, but I got an error from the install (installaware wizard).After seeing this the first time I reinstalled it, with the same result. Axure 6.5 appears to run okay, but I haven't really put it through it's paces yet. I'm assuming this is a later step in the install where it's supposed to configure the uninstall info..
Do anybody have a recommendation on what to do?
Since the install aborts at that point, are there any important steps after that which will cause problems if they didn't complete properly?
Axure RP Pro 6.5 – InstallAware Wizard
Runtime error in setup script:
Source File: AxureRP
Line Number 324
Failed to set data for 'UninstallString'.