The sale tide of window 8 OS against window 7

Since Windows 7 is still in the market and with the new release of window 8 with exciting features. Will window 8 hurt sales of win 7?
Since its light with more flexible features, do you agree?

Since Windows 7 is still in the market and with the new release of window 8 with exciting features. Will window 8 hurt sales of win 7?
Since its light with more flexible features, do you agree?
Microsoft is trying to promote Windows 8 without hurting the sales of the Windows 7. But as much as they want to it is very tricky to do so. It's hard to maintain balance between the two windows when the enthusiasm of the Windows 8 when promoted is very high.
Windows 7 is considered as an aging OS and the Windows 8 is a newborn ready to make a change in the designs of computing. Windows 8 is made for mobile devices that is battery energized.
They made sure that Windows 8 and Windows 7 can work hand in hand and they are compatible even if they exist on the same PC.
So it is not necessary to phase out Windows 7 on your PC. Upgrades are good for computing and whether we like it or not decisions are made for better quality with speed and reliability.Â