Hello there. I'm trying to install Salesforce 2013 contact e management software that has email integration and remote synchronization but the installation process won't push through. It will install halfway then just stop. What could be the problem? I'm installing it on a Windows 8 OS system.
Salesforce contact e management software won’t install
For complete installation, Saleforce 2013 needs ready internet connection. You should also have setup your email details. If you are installing the .msi installer, you will need:
·        .net framework 4
·        Visual studio 2010 tools
·        PIA redistributable for the version of MS Outlook which you are currently running.
Check if you have these requirements then try running installation again.
Salesforce contact e management software won’t install
This how to do it connect to the internet download the msi installer which also requires net framework 4,Visual studio 2010 and pia redistributive for MS Outlook which you are currently in you machine.With this you can now install the Sale force.