Samsung became Platinum Linux member?

I wanted to know what exactly is this platinum Linux member ?
What are the different Linux member types that we have?
Is it like Samsung will bring new Linux OS for mobile ?

I wanted to know what exactly is this platinum Linux member ?
What are the different Linux member types that we have?
Is it like Samsung will bring new Linux OS for mobile ?
The Linux Foundation promotes, protects and advances Linux by marshaling the resources of its members and the open source development community to ensure Linux remains free and technically advanced.
It includes Promoting Linux and Providing Neutral Collaboration and Education, Protecting and Supporting Linux Development, Improving Linux as a Technical Platform.
Linux has four kinds of memberships
The Platinum Membership is the most prestigious one. Samsung being platinum member means that it has started to invest and promote linux and educate about linux.
Platinum Linux membership is the highest level of membership class in Linux Foundation.  Linux Foundation is a non-profit technology corporation that started in 2007. It’s dedicated to protect, promote and standardize Linux.
You may join Linux Foundation either as a Corporate or Individual Member. It has three membership types – Platinum, Gold and Silver. An entity or individual will be classified as Platinum member if they will pay $500,000USD and commit to support or participate in the operations of Linux.  In exchange, this type of membership will get the highest support level from Linux. Members have the benefits of participating in the Linux Foundation activities that are offered exclusively to them. They can also avail of the discounts on Linux training and events; participate in the marketing campaigns; guidance on the development and issues concerning Linux products and open source software; and gain business relationship with other members.
At present, the Platinum Linux members are Fujitsu, IBM, Intel, NEC, Oracle, Qualcomm Innovation Center, and Samsung. The long-term specific plans of Samsung Electronics are still being unrevealed but it is obvious that they will use Linux for their mobile or device play. Besides, Â Samsung have been using Linux throughout its products.