Save the complete web pages

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

I save important web pages on my hard disk. However, when I re-open those pages offline, the images and several other elements are missing. How can I save the complete web pages?

Best Answer by Divina MARICIA
Answered By 0 points N/A #131637

Save the complete web pages


There are methods by which you can save the entire pages:

1. The use of Save as Web page: Click File in menu to Save As. Use file type to Webpage complete and then give filename and path. Click save. Some features like active X control are not available to be saved.

2. The other way is to copy the temporary folder while the page is open and then save the html script file. Then change the folder/ directory to the name available for the temporary folder.

3. The Third way is to take screen shots of the part of webpage you need for.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By -10 points N/A #131638

Save the complete web pages


Perhaps you are facing this problem because you were using to save web pages via “Internet Explorer” or “Mozilla Firefox”. Maximum times IE don’t save a web page properly that when we open web page when we are offline, no images will be displayed.

While using Mozilla Firefox, you can save web pages easily and completely. But there is an issue, when you save a web page using Mozilla Firefox, not only HTML file will be saved in your hard drive, as well as a folder will be created.

Mozilla Firefox save every file related to saved web page in that folder. So, if by mistake you have deleted that folder or some contents/files form that folder, in that case your page will be opened completely when you are trying to open that offline.

The best solution of this issue is to use “Opera” browser. There are many best features of Opera. Saving a web page is also a best feature of Opera.

When you save a web page using Opera browser, it creates a single web page file in your hard drive. No extra files. That will save your web space too and there will be no issue like saved pages form IE or Firefox.

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