Save photo in album of iPad using UlImage

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I would like to save a UIImage in a separate folder that is already created in the album section of an iPad. I am able to save the photo using the UIImage Write to Saved Photos Album function in “Saved Photo” section in Album. How can I make it possible to save the photo in a different folder in iPad?

Answered By 5 points N/A #89694

Save photo in album of iPad using UlImage


To save the photo in a different folder on your ipad, you will need to use the save as option. With the image opened in the programs you are using to edit that photo, you will need to do the following:

  • Go to the menu section of the program and then click on file.
  • Click Save As.
  • A window will open, and in it you will be required to change the folder location where the file is to be saved and also provide a name for that photo.
  • Once you have done that, you can proceed and save it.

You can after that, open the folder location you saved the photo to; you should be able to find the photo there.



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