Ever since I placed my computer on this afternoon, I noticed that my screen saver won't stay on.
I have set it to activate after 10 minutes of my computer being idle. After 10 minutes, it does go on, but immediately goes off. It just would not stay on. I tried changing my screen saver, but it does not matter which screen saver i choose and activate, it does not stay on.
Normally when my computer is in idle state, I do not have any programs running. Most of the times all applications are closed, so I do not think that there is anything in the background that is interrupting my screen saver. I have Windows 7 64-bit installed on my computer. Please help. Thank you all.
Screen Saver turns off immediately after running
Hi Jones,
1. Insert the Windows 7 installation disk into your CDDVD drive. Turn off autorun. Please don't open it directly.
2. Click "Start" and type "CMD" in the "Start-Search" box. Run it as administrator.
3. Type Sfc /scannow in the Command Prompt and press enter. System checker utility will be continued. Corrupt and missing system files will be replaced.
4. Then close the command prompt. Reboot your computer. After this, the system repair process will be finished.
Another possible reason is that your monitor is switching off, because of power options. Your computer is configured to switch off the monitor after a few minutes of usage. It can be changed.
If you are using windows seven or XP, please go to the control panel and select power option.
Change the power plan setting i. e. turn off display after 20 minutes and Turn off display after 30 minutes for example.
Save it.
Screen Saver turns off immediately after running
There might be a problem with your monitor settings. It might be happening that when your screen saver starts, the monitor power is switched off automatically. Here are the steps to check that –Â
1. Go to Start.Â
2. Click Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance.Â
3. Go to Power Options.Â
4. Select the option Turn Off Monitor > Select After 1 hour or more from the dropdown menu.Â
5. Click Apply > Ok.Â
Now leave your computer idle for 10 min and the screen saver will run. You can also reduce the screen saver activation time from 10 min to 4-5 min. 
If this doesn't work, then you can repair windows once from your installation CD. However, it looks like it is a settings problem.Â