I love really love blogging and I want to have an interaction with my readers coming from Facebook. My plan is to put a comment box .I now that we can put scripts like JavaScripts , jQuery and others to blogger but I don't which script do we need to use in order to install this. Can someone enlighten me? Thanks.
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Scripts we need to use in installing comment box in blogger
Hi Maria, for now we can easily add a comment box in our blogger. Follow the steps below.
Login to your Facebook then scroll down to the end of your Facebook homepage. You will find some footer words. Click on "Developers"
Then in the Developers homepage, Click Build for Website
In the left sidebar, find "Core Concepts", click it, then pick Social Plugins. After that pick the "Comments"
Set up your comment box display here. Insert your URL, Number of post, etc. After you finish design, click on Get Code. Copy paste the code to your notepad. Add some additional script for comment moderation, iframe, etc.
After that login to Blogger. Goto Design | Edit HTML | then check Expand Widget Templates box.
Click on the html code, then find this code with Ctrl+F : <b:includable id='comments' var='post'>
Add the comment's script you get from Facebook before, right after that code. Save your template then click "View Blog" to see the result