It happens several times that whenever I do something on any windows application in my laptop, the scrolling drawer for windows do not "obey" me. Whenever I drag the object to a certain direction, it would go somewhere else instead. Then a pop-up notification will display "Your computer has low protection." Are these two issues connected? I have already scanned my laptop and still my main problem is not solved.
The scrolling drawer for windows is not functioning well
Hello? My most probable guess is that you are suffering from a virus attack. Since you have already tried scanning without a positive feedback, try this out. System restore your computer to an earlier date when your computer wasn’t showing this problem (you will loose all the programs you installed after that date, but it wont interfere with you downloads and other files). You can system restore by typing system restore n the search box or access it from the accessories. After your system has been restored you can re install all your programs and make sure you update all of them including the operating system itself.