Securing Employee Source Code PHP Script from Remote Access

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

An employee source code php script is already done for a little company of a client. They want to have it protected as they are planning to have a remote developer to do some fixing jobs for them which may put the script at risk. How can it be secured from remote developers?

Answered By 0 points N/A #161319

Securing Employee Source Code PHP Script from Remote Access



First of all, don't hire a developer you don't trust.

Any method you can use to secure the code can be bypassed by a determined developer who wants to steal the code.

Having that said there are some methods to secure a pho code,

1)  You can encrypt the code which is a very popular method.

2)  You can use software but you'll have to pay for it like sourceguardian.

3)  You can also use source control and give the developer access only to what you want him to work on.

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