Security Compromised By Res Frame

A common error is found mainly in Internet Explorer 9 when someone is trying downloading, uploading any document or it sometimes as observed; the webpage is not functioning.

A common error is found mainly in Internet Explorer 9 when someone is trying downloading, uploading any document or it sometimes as observed; the webpage is not functioning.
A- You must have found this displayed-
This problem can happen when you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and you are browsing https websites that use custom pluggable protocols like “notes://” or “skype://”. According to Microsoft support, this can be fixed by updating the browser. So, if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, just check for an update and install it. The fix for this problem was first included in security update 2586448.
Just install the most recent cumulative security update for Microsoft Internet Explorer to fix the problem. Another way of avoiding the error is to use a different browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or SeaMonkey.