I have Windows XP and currently using Internet Explorer 7 as my default browser. The Security Information box keeps showing on some websites that I used to visit. But lately, it appears on almost all the site I visit. It is really annoying to click on Yes button every time the page loads. The box content is;
This page contains both secure and nonsecure items.
Do you want to display the nonsecure items?
[Yes] [No] [More Info]
How can I remove it from appearing? Please help.
Security Information alert box on my browser
This is because you are visiting secure web pages that usually display a key that tells the user that the data on a particular site is secure and safe. And for it to be considered safe, all the web site’s content needs to be in a secured site. And sometimes, when you are exiting the secured page, it will open or load some of the site’ items that wasn’t secured. If this is the situation, the Security Information box will appear as a warning message. To remove this;
Open your browser or Internet Explorer 7
Go to Tools
Click on Internet Options
Click the Security Tab
Click the Custom Level Button to open the Security Settings Box
Scroll down to Miscellaneous Section
Under the Display Mixed Content, the Prompt is selected. Change it to disable.
Click OK to close the Security Settings Box
Click OK to close the Internet Options Box
Exit your browser then re-open it.
Go to the sites you are visiting that display the Security Information Box. The box should not appear now.
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5 points
Security Information alert box on my browser
you cannot do this.it is designed by the browser designed persons.it is the reason for the security purpose.
Security Information alert box on my browser
I ought my best thanks to both of you. Thank you for sending information and solution.