Security techniques employed in large organisation

what are some of the security techniques that governments can employ to prevent other users examine file names of others and system related commands while using window seven in the present times.

what are some of the security techniques that governments can employ to prevent other users examine file names of others and system related commands while using window seven in the present times.
On extreme levels, they use OS other than Windows. For example, Linux, they use its source code, which is free, and modify it according to their personal preference and then implement it on their system. This is the best security feature they use to prevent outsiders access different personnel profiles within the system.
If they use Windows 7, then they go for the Defense in Depth Approach
For avoiding any loop holes in the structure of security, they consider planning and improvising a security level that uses this concept shown above. You can keep on increasing the number of inside layers in order to have more security for your network.
There must a policy defined that could give direction and communication support to the system users and to the network which is housed inside the building. All the systems including phones, servers, applications, routers, modems, network switches must be taken into consideration to fully ensure that the points of entry are fully secured. There must be a specific firewall that must have a set of rules for the public access.
There must be scanners, probes, security filters, drones, cookies that will keep an eye on every traffic that is going through the network. All this will be recorded in a separate hard disk or some storage space for later use in case of any theft.