Semantic Object Views in database

Asked By 350 points N/A Posted on -

I want to clear my concepts about the semantic object views in databases. Can anyone guide me in detail? I am waiting for the experts to respond.

Best Answer by JBond
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #90713

Semantic Object Views in database


A part of an object that is displayed in a particular application is called a view or semantic object view. One object can be displayed in different views as required. Suppose we want to generate two reports i.e. one for displaying all students in the college and one for displaying all the professors in the college.

These reports are different views of a college. Some attributes of the college will be displayed in both views; such as name and address. But the first report will contain the names of all the students and not professors. The second report will contain the names of all professors and not students.

Answered By 350 points N/A #90715

Semantic Object Views in database


If there are different views of an object available in databases, then can we categorize the object in a different type or not?

Answered By 390 points N/A #90716

Semantic Object Views in database


Waiting for the solution.

Answered By 0 points N/A #90717

Semantic Object Views in database


Yes, we can categorize the objects with respect to their types. There are seven types of objects available in databases. These types are divided according to there attributes like single-valued, multi-valued and non-object attributes.

Answered By 0 points N/A #90718

Semantic Object Views in database


Simply you can say that semantic object view is a subset of a semantic object. The types of semantic objects are as follows:

  1. Simple Objects
  2. Composite Objects
  3. Compound Objects
  4. Hybrid Objects
  5. Association Objects
  6. Parent Objects
  7. Version Objects
Answered By 350 points N/A #90719

Semantic Object Views in database


Thanks a lot dear experts. Regards.

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