I wanted to send an email to a group of people using Gmail on my Andoid phone. I dowloaded and installed the app Contacts GroupU but for whatever reason, it does not seem to work. Are there any other apps available in Google Play store that has the same functions?
Send email to a group of people using Gmail on Android
It's not possible at the moment to e-mail a group of people using Gmail from an Android phone. This feature will soon be implemented by Google for the Android operating systems.
There is an alternative that works best for this kind of task : Gmail Group Share is an application that lets you share anything via e-mail to your Gmail Contact groups. Or even other e-mail client users. It has a virtual keyboard that allows you to input groups directly in a blank field. You can share photos, e-mail contacts, and other files with a group of people. Also, you can add your Facebook contacts in a group so that you can share with them also.
Other applications do not offer the same freedom as this one, and they also require to be purchased, while this one is completely free.