Send SMS to devices using Opera Mini
I am using Opera Mini on my Windows 8 setup. How can I use my internet browser to send SMS messages to certain other devices that support them?Â
I am using Opera Mini on my Windows 8 setup. How can I use my internet browser to send SMS messages to certain other devices that support them?Â
Hi Azreil,
The steps to send SMS through opera mini are as follows:
1) You can send SMS through two URL's 'sms://' and 'smsto://' depending on the compatibility of the browser
2) The syntax to send SMS is 'sms[to]://[<destination number>][?Parameters]
3) The parameters define the body of the message
4) The destination number should be compatible carrier of the short code used
5) The link opens in the SMS composer window and the message can be sent through it
6) The Wireless Universal file is used to detect sms and smsto protocol compatibility