Sending Text To An AT&T Phone From Email.

Hey. My friend does not own a smart-phone, and I need him to read an email urgently. How can I send a text to AT&T phone from my email?

Hey. My friend does not own a smart-phone, and I need him to read an email urgently. How can I send a text to AT&T phone from my email?
Delivering short emails as a text is possible and in some cases more helpful too. An Email to SMS Gateway makes it doable. All you need to know is the phone number of the person and the service provider.
The rest is a piece of cake. To use this gateway and send a text from your email:
1. Compose your email
2. In the recipient box, instead of entering the email address, enter this: [10digitphonenumber] Voila! You have sent an email as a text to the recipient.
Note: This gateway only supports texts up to 160 characters. For longer texts, make sure the receiver has MMS support on his phone.