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I didn't know that you can now edit your Facebook comments. When did this update in Facebook started?

I didn't know that you can now edit your Facebook comments. When did this update in Facebook started?
Facebook, which is the social networking giant, recently provided the ability to edit the comments posted by the users. This feature was live on Facebook on the evening of 21st, June 2012. Over 900 million users in Facebook are eagerly waiting for such an editing option. A pencil icon on the right side of the comment indicates the editing feature. When the user clicks on the pencil icon, there will be a dropdown appearing which consist of Edit and Delete options. Once the Edit option is clicked, the comment is converted to editable text box with previously posted text. The user can then change the comment and save it by striking enter. The commenters can also see the history of the editing performed in the conversation and respond accordingly.
– Charle Faru
I’m not sure exactly when did this option made available. But I think when they upgraded the profiles in Facebook and added the “Timeline” feature I guess that’s when they added the option where you can edit someone else’s comment or maybe your own comment. They upgraded and added the new Timeline feature last year 2012 and up until now there are still users who want to disable this new feature even if they already know that they are stuck with it as long as they use Facebook.
Besides editing comments in your home page or your wall, you can also delete comments made by other users. But deleting the comment doesn’t mean that you completely delete it unless it was from your own wall especially if the comment was made from somebody else’s wall.
I think the has been revised in the light of new technology which emphasized learning technology for communicating locally and globally. Hello experts without your sincerity, commitment it would not have been possible for me to find out my desired question answer. I have read your comments seamless with all my attention for that reason now I am able to trace my problem as well by going through your instruction at this moment I can edit my comment. I am so very happy to know about the Facebook latest update by viewing and reading all your comments. Thanks guys for your other tips about the Facebook profile as well as Techyv too for disclosing this post.