Server operating systems controlling access to network resources.

Which is the server operating system that controls access to network resources? 1) Novell NetWare 2) Mac OS2 I think it is Novell NetWare, but I am not positive.

Which is the server operating system that controls access to network resources? 1) Novell NetWare 2) Mac OS2 I think it is Novell NetWare, but I am not positive.
Choose Novell NetWare. Since Linux/Unix machines are not just simple Operating System. They are Network Operating System. Linux/Unix is designed to manage both small and large scale networks and can handle different task simultaneously. Additionally, choose the better or higher specification hardware in setting network connections as you might encounter problems later on like slow connection processes.
That means it is a network operating system. In most cases they are embedded in a router that controls the given network. Bear in mind that routers are layer 3 (network layer ) devices in the OSI reference model. There are some examples of the Network Operating system:
1.    JUNOS which can also be used in switches. Its from Juniper Networks
2.    Cisco IOS from Cisco
3.    TiMOS from Alcatel-Lucent
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