Server’s certificate is not trusted Error in Chrome

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I just upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7. I installed everything successfully. I used Google Chrome as my default browser. It was working fine before the migration but when I opened it today, it is showing a “Server’s certificate is not trusted” error. How can I fix it?

Server's certificate is not trusted

Domain Control Validation Error in Certificate has been detected


Answered By 0 points N/A #123892

Server’s certificate is not trusted Error in Chrome


Good Day Roni! There was a certificate error last day on my Google Chrome as well but there is a little trick that I found out to fix this issue and my Google Chrome is now working fine. I just found out that I got this message because I was still not able to import some CA cert 'root' certificate on my Google Chrome. So that's why my Google Chrome has no means of verifying the signature of the sites that I am trying to visit and that's why the error is coming out of Google Chrome.

Well this is a little trick that I use to run up my Google Chrome again:

1.Go to this site

2.You will be redirected to this site. Click the Root Certificate (PEM Format)

3.Click Install Certificate then Just follow the onscreen procedure. Basically it is just followed up by Next button until you are finished.

FYI: Some other sites might not require you to install 'root' certificate(so you can browse them right away) because other sites usually use commercial CA that is installed into your Web Browser.

Hope this helps!

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