Our company is experiencing a very high rate of growth in the number of employees. We handle all our mail using Exchange server. With large number of employees has come a great challenge. As a result, I intend to put a ceiling on the amount of mail employees are allowed to save on their inboxes. This is to avoid a rapid increase of the size of the company database. I am looking for a way of setting the limit on the amount of email an employee can save on the inbox. Do we have anyone who knows how I could go about doing such a configuration?
Setting a limit on the amount of Mail saved on inbox
Hi Edzel,
This is possible and is being implemented by most companies. You can set in a couple of ways.
One way is through Global settings. To do this, just go to Exchange System Manager Global Settings > Message Delivery > right Click to open Properties and click on Defaults Register.
Another way of doing it is via System policy. This will implement the restriction by the use of a single policy setup on the server.
You can change the mailbox limit per individual person’s mailbox account by going to their account properties in Active Directory > Exchange General > Storage Limits.
Some other options are also available for Distribution list and public folders.