Share hard disk between multiple users in Promox VE
Is it possible to share one hard disk to multiple users in a Promox VE? I have no idea how to go on about doing this, will an expert please guide me.thanks
Is it possible to share one hard disk to multiple users in a Promox VE? I have no idea how to go on about doing this, will an expert please guide me.thanks
Hi Aldo,
There are multiple ways to share hard disk between multiple users.
Solution 1: Change in the group settings
1) Navigate to 'Data Center' > 'Storage' > 'Add' > 'LVM Group'
2) Specify the value in the LVM volume group, click 'OK'
3) The disk with large volume will be created
Solution 2: Change the setting of content file
1) Go to 'Data Center' > 'Storage'
2) Select the storage and edit
3) Under 'Content' tab select the image tab
4) Go to .config file of VM and set the value of the users
5) Restart the system
If you want to create an extra partition for that harddrive on Proxmox, this is also possible; such a step would allow you to easily share that partition with other users.
mkdir /srv/{isos,images,templates,backups,containers}
Now you need to create the Proxmox storage for the directory type.
Place it in the web UI.