Shareware and Licensed Version of Media Converter Software

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello friends,

I want to get a shareware version for soft converter. Any licensed and secured shareware software converters that can possibly convert audio, video and movie file format such as .avi, mp4, mp3 and many more. Share with me your ideas.

Thanks and Regards,

Danield Make

Best Answer by Barbara Miller
Answered By 0 points N/A #180545

Shareware and Licensed Version of Media Converter Software



I can recommend DVDVideoSoft that is a secure, free to download software that mostly supports any Windows platform available. You can,

  1. Convert to any audio or video format.
  2. Burn & rip data from CDs & DVDs.
  3. Upload & download YouTube videos to your device.
  4. You can record videos and edit them.

Here is its link which you will use to download & install,

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #180546

Shareware and Licensed Version of Media Converter Software


Hello Danield Make,


I suggest you try Xilisoft Video converter, I think it meets all your requirements. Here is a download link:


It is a light, yet powerful converter. It supports a vast range of audio and video formats, converting process is relatively fast, this software also provides additional features such as altering the quality of audio and video, splitting them into different parts etc.

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