Sharing MS Word document between computers

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am working in Microsoft  Word file. I want to share this file between two computers on the network because we want to work on this file simultaneously. Can anyone tell me how to share a Word document on network?

Word file
Best Answer by Peiann frank
Answered By 0 points N/A #81482

Sharing MS Word document between computers

  • Browse for the .doc file that you want to share.
  • Right-click on the item and choose the Share with option.
  • A smaller pane would appear beside it, you can choose to share the document to a Home group (Read/Write) permission so that they can edit the file when they open it in there own PC.
  • You can also choose the Specific People option so that you can directly choose among the people in the Home group or network you want to share your .doc file with.
  • Remember to coordinate as to the changes that you are making and to save them every time.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81483

Sharing MS Word document between computers


Hello Weylen,


You don't have to worry it anymore this is very easy. There are alot of ways to do this. One way is you can make a folder where all your doc file will be save. Then make sure that Public Folder sharing is ON you can find it  in the control panel then network and Internet then Network and Sharing Center then hit change advance sharing setting. (For Win 7 OS). After you turn it on you can now right click the folder and hit share with the option (read/write) so that the other user of the network can edit a certain share file document.

Hope  it helps 🙂

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