I am getting a "Error Parsin Data." When loading a shout cast server list.
Will I get this error on both 3G and WiFi?
I am using a Desire Z that has a Winamp Pro running on Android 2.3.
Has anybody experienced the same thing?
How do I resolve this problem?
Suggestions are very welcome. Thank you.
Shoutcast server error on my Desire Z
Hello Roman,
The problem you are having is because of a bug. Firstly, re-install you’re application.
Then install it again. If the problem exists then follow this:
1. Go to Shout cast site.
2. Use search option and find your station.
3. Save the “.pls” file that you get while clicking the PLAY button.
4. Open the file in a text editor.
5. It will open raw IP addresses and ports for that station.
6. Now use the manually enter station option to type one of the file. Then you will be able to overcome this problem.
This problem occurs with the API that causes this parsing error. But it happens only when Winamp communicates with shout cast, so winamp application is all right, nothing wrong with it. This problem can occur both in 3G or WiFi.