Shutting down of computer during using chrome

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Two weeks ago,i set chrome as my default browser.But during browsing suddenly my computer got hanged and took restart.Now this problem is causing regularly.Why and what to do to solve it?

Best Answer by kc chathu
Answered By 15 points N/A #140276

Shutting down of computer during using chrome



You can  relief from this problem easily by change your browser. Even if you won’t want to change your browse then you need to find out the main reason of shut down while you use Google Chrome. Actually it may happen for your software and pc configuration combination problem. If I can know your pc configuration and Google Chrome version which you were used then I can able to give you proper feedback from my ends. Now I suggest to re-download this soft again form official site of Google and then try to use it. I hope you can understand .


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #140277

Shutting down of computer during using chrome


This may be occur because of the problems on applications you installed in chrome.sometimes this can be occur when you going to open multiple tabs at is a memory eater so it use more memory if your computer memory is not enough this can be occur.speed of the computer can also affect to restart chrome. here are some solutions below and if one not solve problems go to other option.

1.install again or update chrome again.(update extensions also).

2.Don't use more multiple tabs at ones.(if this occur when use more multiple tabs).

3. Go to chrome://flags/ enable and disable some extension. 



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