What are the significant features of a FLV Player? What are the technical functions of a FLV player on the computer and on the internet? What advantage do FLV Players have over other players used on the internet? Can you please provide me every information worth to be a solution to these questions bothering my mind. Priscilla is my name from Kenya in East Africa. Thank you.
Significant Features of a FLV Player and their Technical Functions
Hi Jonathan A Dupuy,
I will inform you further on the characteristics and function of FLV players. Videos displayed on the internet are called 'Flash Videos'. Most videos displayed online are in the FLV format. In the same way that you have videos in the Mp4 and WMV formats, FLV videos just represent another format of video encoding.
If you visit video streaming websites such as Youtube or Vimeo, you will see FLV players at work. FLV players are used by these websites to play video content.
The reasons this type of player is preferred by most websites are:
1. FLV players are very user-friendly, this means it is easy for the user to operate it effectively.
2. These players render videos smoothly. This means that there is not much lagging during video playback.
3. FLV video players do not require a lot of memory (RAM) in order to operate properly. This means almost any computer will be able to run this type of player without muany problems.
Compared to other video players on the internet, FLV players are very light-weight and more versatile. FLV players do not suffer from constant 'Codec Crashing' errors as most other players do. Also, with FLV players, the user is able to choose whether to play the video in 'Full Screen', 'Normal Screen' or in 'High Definition' format.
FLV video players are superior to other internet based video players. This is largely due to its user-friendly interface and little requirements needed for it to be used.
Thank you