It seems like it doesn’t matter that I have updated Silverlight because I still have error which I cannot solve them. When I want to debug the webpage this error below appears again. Any solution for this error ? How can I solve this one ?
Thanks !
Webpage Error
Do you want to debug this webpage?
This webpage contains errors that might prevent it from displaying or working correctly. If you are not testing this webpage, click No.
Do not show this message again
Use the built in script debugger in Internet Explorer
Line : 56
Error: unhandled error in Silverlight application code : 2104 category: Init.
Silverlight error during the update of program
At the time of Silverlight hosting, you will tweak the IIS settings for allowing the server to inform (how to handle) the extensions which are not known to the server.
Add these MIME types in IIS:
.xaml application/xaml+xml
.xap application/x-silverlight-app
.xbap application/x-ms-xbap
Follow the steps to add the MIME types in IIS6:
1. Virtual Directory / Default Web Site in IIS
2. Context menu > Properties
3. HTTP-Headers
4. Press on "File Types…" in MIME Map section
5. New Type [type the extension from above into the extension field and the application type into the MIME type field.]
6. OK > Apply
You have done. There is no restart needed. For your more information in recent version of IIS, there is a little different process, but you will do that.