I have this error with Skype and I don’t know how to solve it. I don’t know what is causing this or what it means. Can expert have some free time to help me with this ? What is causing this error ?
Thank you experts !
Unspecified error
Skype for phone error when launching the program
When installing apps on the phone, the handset’s operating system supports a specific file format. For Android handsets, apps to install are using the “.apk” file format or extension name. When you have a Windows Phone Smartphone, the applications you install are using “.xap” file format or extension name. EXE files or files using “.exe” extension names can only be executed on PC with Microsoft Windows operating system.
In your case, check if “skype.exe” is located on the phone and is opened using the phone software. You cannot run EXE files on the phone to install the app. The installer to use needs to be in the format the phone’s operating system supports. If you have a handset running on Android, you can install Skype from Skype for Android.
If your mobile phone is running on Windows Phone, you can install Skype from Skype for Windows Phone. The latest version supports Windows Phone 7.5, 8, and 8.1. If you have an iPhone, you can install Skype from Skype 5.2 for iPhone. It requires iOS 7.0 and above. If you have a BlackBerry Smartphone, you can install Skype from Skype 4.9.507.46973 for BlackBerry. It supports BlackBerry Q10, BlackBerry Q5, BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry Z3, BlackBerry Z30, and Porsche Design P9982.