Slowness on my Internet Connection

Please help me find solutions to speed up my internet connection.
As of this time i am experiencing slowness in my internet connection.
Hope you can help me solve my problem.

Please help me find solutions to speed up my internet connection.
As of this time i am experiencing slowness in my internet connection.
Hope you can help me solve my problem.
Please verify if you are just experiencing slowness in your computer or just the internet connection.
If its only for your computer then maybe you just need to have more hard disk space and remove all the unnecessary program or files saved on your computer.
Just a thought.
Hello jomsdacuyanan, thanks for letting me know this.
Actually i have enough memory and my computer is working fast when I am not connected to internet.
I used to do files like typing in mswords or excel playing games and I am not experiencing freeze or slowness.
Only when I am connecting to internet applications.
Can I butt in?
Are you using a dial up connection or a modem or may be a broadband connection?
I think if you are using a modem no matter how fast your computer is the speed of your internet will be very slow I tell you.
I recommend that try using a broad band if it is available in your area or location.
It also depends on the time of the day you are surfing the net. When more people are online, servers of the internet providers will be overloaded and can cause delays in the response.
And if you are broadband users, when for instance all your neighbours that are also subscribed and using it at the same time speed will also decrease on your part.
I am connected with an internet service provider and as I have called them they don't have any site maintenance on their networks that can decrease their speed thus far.
Then I think the best way really is to coordinate to your Internet Service Provider. Then they can give you some tips on how to increase your bandwidth if they don't have any problems on their Site. I did it before and it works.
I can share with you the procedures my ISP gave me.
1 First you must log on as Administrator.
2 Click start then click run and type gpedit.msc
3 Expand your local computer policy, administrative templates and the network branch.
4 Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler".
5 On right window double click "limit reservable bandwidth".
6 On setting tab check the "enabled"
7 Change to zero the "Bandwidth limit %".
Then try to reboot/re-start your pc and you are done.
Thanks for all the tips and information guys, it really help me a lot. I will definitely contact my ISP and ask some solutions whenever I experience slowness on my connection.
I have tried the tips of marvin18 as well and i have seen improvement on my connection.
As you told you are experiencing slowness in your internet connection speed is due to many reason.
Firstly You have to call your service provider and register one compliant against slowness of your internet speed.
Secondly You have to check your browser because there are many browsers which speed is slow
Thirdly You have to maintain your PC time by time which surely help you to increase your internet speed.
Lastly there are many application like windows update Skype using more bandwidth we have close that application if not need and check your internet speed.