Social network FaceBook bought Instagram

After Facebook bought Instagram, how will the social network giant integrate Instagram into its current application?

After Facebook bought Instagram, how will the social network giant integrate Instagram into its current application?
Rebecca Bessette
Recently social media giant Facebook acquired instagram at the cost of 1 billion $. instagram is a photo sharing software which allows its user to take photos and then share them with friends on many social media sites. After acquiring instagram, photo sharing on Facebook will be changed and much better. But question here is how instagram will be integrated with the Facebook.
According to some officials of Facebook “ we are working for the good integration of instagram with Facebook”. You photos shared from instagram to face book. Upload a photo or instagram and share it with Facebook from the application.A new album named “Instagram Photos” will appear in your Facebook account. By default this album will be available for your friends but you can change settings for public. From this album you can also transfer photos to your other albums.
Till now there is no time line option in instagram. But Facebook and instagram team is working to appear activities of instagram on Facebook timeline. It means if you take a photo on instagram, I message on your Facebook timeline will appear saying “ABC took a photo on instagram”.
Let see when this thing actually come to the users. Wait for it.
Of course, Facebook is a social networking site and since it is a social networking site, people or users will start uploading their important photos to their account so they can start sharing it with their friends who are also on Facebook. And since Instagram is also a social networking site dedicated to photo sharing, it is a good alternative to upload pictures and still be able to share it with Facebook. And the good thing about Instagram is that it quickly attracts millions of users all of over the world.
The only thing that I don’t like about it after it was purchased by Facebook is about the changes they made in the Terms and Conditions of Instagram. It says that they will sell the users’ photos to other third parties without even notifying the owner of the photos or the users. That’s quite a one sided deal to run a business and I don’t agree with that. They will earn with the available photos but the actual owners of the pictures don’t earn a cent.