Social networking giant FaceBook’s largest acquisition.

Instagram is a photo sharing app for iPhone and Android, where you take photos that you can share in social networking sites. The aspect ratio of instagram taken pictures has resemblance to Kodak's Polaroid. A lot of people liked the sort of hippie feel on it.
It's like Photobucket but it has filters for your photo. For instance, Amaro, Rise, Hudson, Earlybird, Toaster, Inkwell, Valencia, Apollo and many others. It usually gives that retro look to your pictures, you can have it super saturated, put some sepia tone or if you want your pictures to look dreamy. After that, it is an option whether you like to put caption or not. After that, location shall be asked to the user where a list of addresses via GPS will show. You can upload it in your instragram account, then there will be configurations on whether you would like to share it to Facebook, Twitter, Four Square, Tumbler and or Twitter. Instagram became so popular that over 2 years, 30 million accounts were made. Though Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, said that Instagram, although acquired, should still grow independently.
Well, that’s a great sum of money for acquiring only a particular service. It is really similar to Photobucket like what the post above says where you can take a picture then upload it on different social networking sites like Facebook and especially Twitter. It is a kind of social networking and online photo sharing service where you can apply a digital filter on the photo you have taken and then share it with your favorite social networking sites.
What usually comes to my mind every time I hear the word “Instagram” is the Polaroid images taken from a Polaroid camera where the photo is in a square shape. The Instagram service was launched October of 2010 designed by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom. After that it quickly became popular to over 100 million users. The only down side of using Instagram after it was acquired by Facebook is that it will sell all of its users’ photos to third parties without giving any notification. This literally means that they will earn from your uploaded photos without giving you a single cent and without you knowing it. That’s the reason why other users immediately transferred to other services like the one with Yahoo!, the Flickr.