Software for converting web page to PDF format without menus

I will be converting at least a hundred pages. If it is not possible to convert to PDF a web page without menus is there a software that can do this for me?
Thanks in advance.

I will be converting at least a hundred pages. If it is not possible to convert to PDF a web page without menus is there a software that can do this for me?
Thanks in advance.
This really depends on the content of the pages you wish to convert to PDF or at least transfer to another file Ms Word or Mac pages document type.
If you are going to transfer pages where there are only texts in it with no pictures, it is best to copy the content by highlighting the texts you need then right clicking the mouse button and copy the content and paste it in the word or pages document.
And continue the process until you complete all the pages you need.
Then on MS Word go to the big MS Office icon in the upper left corner and click it to view the menu then click on save as, select save as PDF to save your document to PDF format.
If you are going to save a webpage with other content pictures/tables etc you can still do the above instructions but double check on the document copied because you will notice a lot of differences on formatting.
Another is using a PDF printer – it is a virtual printer which acts like a real printer but "Prints out" the documents in PDF format file directly.
I recommend BULLZIP PDF printer, in most cases BULLZIP removes the menus in the webpage printed so i suggest you try this to see if this is what you need. here is the link BULLZIP
I hope this helps
Thank you