Software to find spam images

Many same images with different names and size are added in my gallery on a website. How can I filter them and delete double images? Which software is to use to find spam images?

Many same images with different names and size are added in my gallery on a website. How can I filter them and delete double images? Which software is to use to find spam images?
Image spam is a kind of spam, that comes with an image. It’s a mail message which comes with an image file. It shows a picture to the user and when any user click on that image, the hidden text file can expand and done harm to the computer. No particular software can find out the image which is a spam. All you have to do is, be careful with your emails. There is some spam filtering software’s which allows you to filtering those spams. You can use these tricks-
1) Don’t click on that image which is on your spam folder.
2) You can turn of the ability to view picture, movies, HTML, etc. Image spams can come through with these.
3) Always use a complicated email address.
4) Be sure to make your email address confidential.
5) Do not use your email address as your screen name. Â Â