software to remove date and time in photos
what is the perfect software we can use to removedate and time created in the photos as recorded in the video ?
what is the perfect software we can use to removedate and time created in the photos as recorded in the video ?
There are several software that we can use to remove date and time in a photo. One of your best options will be Adobe Photoshop.
1. First thing you need to do is to open the photo file.
2. In all occasion, stamps are at the lower right part of the photo. Use the “Crop” tool select the main part of the picture and just eliminating or not including the time stamp. Select crop. This is one of the easiest way.
What is we are going to remove the stamp in a rough terrain?
1. Load the photo file in Photoshop.
2. Select “Patch” tool from the Tool Box.
3. Go around the time stamp, drag it to the portion of the picture with the same color or texture.
4. Let go of the dragged object. “CTRL” + “D” to remove the indicator of the selected portion of the picture. You will not see any more the stamp.
We can also use Lasso Tool
1. After loading your image, select Lasso tool from the tool bar.
2. Select the portion around time stamp.
3. “CTRL” + “J” to create new layer. Select or make visible the original picture by enabling the “eye” in your Layer window.
4. Select “Spot” healing brush tool. Use left and right ([ / ]) bracket keys in your keyboard to change the size of your brush. Though it will have difference on the part that you’re editing but you will hardly recognize the changes and it will blend in well.