Software’s for Windows 7 to edit the file date
Hi Experts,
Do we have any Registry Editor or any similar kind of software’s for Windows 7 to edit the file date, which has to be shown with the filename?
I didn’t want to add another column to Windows Explorer; I know that. I want that the basic file should be evidence in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure and should have three date fields:
FILETIME ftCreationTime;
FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
If anyone does a modification to the old file, I would anticipate at least the Access Time or maybe the Last Write time, to be changed. But after I rename a file, neither date should be changed when I execute it in VC++ in debug mode, do a FindFirstFile on the directory, and it has to point at a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure in the watch window.
I'm using NTFS for Windows 7. Any help would be helpful.
Thanks for the help.